Sunday, February 11, 2007

Five Things About Me

1. I was an extra on an episode of Seinfeld and I was an audience member for three shows... that was fun!

2. I raised pigs as a high schooler in 4-H. I still remember what the 4 H's are, if you ever want to know.

3. I've known my husband for 30 years. I think that's pretty interesting since I'm only 38.

4. I've been on safari at Masi Mara, Kenya. Our oldest went too, she was 26 months old.

5. I'm 5th generation C of C.

Now, who to tag? Dan, if you ever get your blog up, it's you baby!


Shawn White said...

what a shameless way to drive traffic to your blog via email...

where is the counter?


Jes said...

I knew there was something a little "funny" about you, Laura! (get it...Seinfeld?!) Hee Hee!

BTW...I'm glad your mission is in Arizona and not in Kenya! :)

Laura said...

We tried to go to Karen, Kenya to be house missionaries in '93.

It didn't work out for a lot of reasons. Although we were disappointed, we had prayed for God's direction, so when it didn't work out, we knew it was for a reason we didn't know at the time and that was ok.

I know now that there are no coincidences in the life of the believer. As Gwen Shamblin says, there are only God-incidences!

I love that!

Jes said...

Where, oh where, is my blogging friend? Why has she left me here all alone? I searched blogworld over, and thought I'd find her words...she hasn't posted another, so mmmph I'm all done.

D.L. White said...

Hey Laura! I love reading lists like this - you always learn something new! I posted my 5 over on my blog (my first entry in weeks!).