New Easter Bibles!
Both of the older kids have started asking philosophical questions of my husband and me. Our 3-year-old son has already asked us "God is Jesus. How is that?" Amazing, this is a profound mystery that scholars have wrestled with for over 2000 years!
What a blessing to have children who's questions about the LORD make me reaffirm my own faith and beliefs so I can "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV)
nice. i guess that means they can start going to our class, eh? :)
Love the picture. Love the scripture. Love it that you are awesome parents, dedicated to teaching your kids about their Heavenly Father. :)
Wow, thanks Davina and Shawn too, I guess you guys are a box set!
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