Sunset, our beautiful amber Beta Fish, has passed on. Fortunately he wasn't acting right for a couple of days before he died, so I was able to prepare K for the impending loss of her pet. She cried when we noticed he was looking pale, a sure sign he wasn't getting enough oxygen. She stood at his bowl with big silent tears, watching him struggle to "breathe". She is such a tender child, she so easily empathizes with the emotions of others so it was very hard for mommy to see her precious little girl hurting (I can't imagine what it will be like when the first boyfriend breaks her heart!)
When he finally died, we decided to burry him in the yard rather than the more traditional "burial at sea" for goldfish. K was very composed during the excavation of the grave, but she began to sob when she placed his foil coffin in the ground. It was oh so precious and very touching.
Although it was a difficult time for her, I was able to use it to discuss the plan God has for life on this earth. How all living things must die and how we never know when anyone or anything might die. We spent time talking about how much God loves us and wants His children to be with Him forever, but we have to choose to go to heaven. It was another lesson on eternity for her, but I was glad I was able to use a tragedy in her life to share about the love of God and part of His plan for her.
Awww...poor K. :( Please give her a hug for me and tell her I cried too when my first beta fish, Hermie, died. I know it was hard for you as her mom too - but I'm so impressed that you didn't shy away from the opportunity to talk to her about death, and God's eternal plan. You're an awesome mom.
Because if her age, I was able to really have a good talk with her about what happened. But it was pretty sad.
Thanks for the compliment... I don't think I'm awesome but it does help my focus when I know my friends are watching me!
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