Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Done With NBC

After the shock of what I had just seen wore off (a day later) I'm left with some questions.

•Who at NBC thought it would be a good idea to defame a decorated war veteran by interviewing his torturer? There was no reason for this interview to even take place. There is no justifiable reason to give audience to such people as those who torture prisoners of war.

•What point does NBC think they will make by discrediting Senator John McCain with an interview of the director of the prison where he was held in Vietnam? I thought the motive was fairly transparent... pure hatred of Senator McCain and anything noble and honorable in his life.

•Why does the timing of this interview coincide with the race for President of the United States? Someone at NBC, perhaps everyone, wants Senator Barack Obama to be elected the next President and anything they can dig up is fair game.

One comment left on the YouTube video sumed up my feelings well.

"What's so unfortunate in this country is that there are so many people who will believe NBC's version, just because they hate anything with a Republican or Conservative label attached to it. Liberals should come with a warning label: Open mind, brains fell out."

I think I'm ready for another boycott...