Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Only four days after the close of the Republican Convention the gloves have come off. Senator Obama has reverted to fourth-grade name calling for the critique of his opponent who, by the way, is not Governor Palin but Senator McCain. It appears Senator Obama is desperate to try to take down anyone he can reach.

Mud-slinging in the pig pen of politics has begun.

Update 9/10/08
Although Senator Obama's representatives are on damage control claiming he was using a common metaphor in his address and not comparing Governor Palin to a pig, it is clear the attending audience made the comparison.

Either the entire audience (including anyone who has watched the YouTube video) misinterpreted his intention, or Senator Obama is very naive and not very bright. Regardless, the Senator owes Governor Palin an apology and then needs medical attention to remove his foot from his mouth.

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